

Since many people have an intense fear of the dentist, it helps to know why it is important to go to the dentist on a regular basis, as it may encourage otherwise nervous individuals to make a dental appointment.
People should visit the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup, and some individuals may need to visit more often, if they are identified as “at risk.” If you have not been within the last six months, you should probably make an appointment to go to the dentist.

The primary reason to go to the dentist is to keep your teeth in excellent health. During a tooth cleaning session, a dental hygienist can be much more in depth than you can at home. The dentist has specialized equipment which is designed to remove plaque and tarter while cleaning all around the tooth. The dental hygienist can also offer tips and suggestions for keeping your teeth healthy, and will generally tell the doctor how the session went, so that he or she can address specific issues.
Most dental problems do not become painful or visible until they are highly advanced. Unfortunately, dental issues are usually irreversible, meaning that an extremely painful tooth will have to be drilled or extracted. By going to the dentist regularly, you can keep an eye on your teeth with the help of x-rays and a physical examination. The dentist can identify areas of potential risk and head off major dental problems at the pass. A dentist can also identify the need for gum grafts, braces, or other measures to protect the health of your mouth.
If you go to the dentist regularly, you will avoid high risk dental infections. Not only are cavities painful, they are also potentially very dangerous for you. The infection can spread to your bloodstream, for example, leading to septicemia. Early detection will save you pain, money, and potentially serious health problems. If you don't go to the dentist, you may also experience serious health problems down the line. 


La odontología preventiva, que se centra principalmente en la educación y en las revisiones regulares, ha sido un factor clave para evitar el dolor y la pérdida de piezas dentales. No obstante, son, muchas las que evitan ir al dentista. Algunas no buscan tratamiento dental por indiferencia, otras por los gastos que supone, y las hay que no van por miedo. Sea cual sea su caso, sería bueno que se preguntara: 

"¿Qué puede hacer el dentista por mí? ¿Merece la pena hacerle una visita al consultorio del Dr. Rodriguez?". Para comprender la importancia de la odontología preventiva, es necesario entender qué tratan de prevenir los dentistas.
¿Cómo empiezan los problemas dentales?
El doctor Rodriguez puede ahorrarnos el tormento del dolor y la pérdida de dientes. Con la colaboración del paciente, el dr. Rodriguez intenta contrarrestar  los efectos de la placa, una fina película de bacterias que se pega a los dientes y que eventualmente se convierte en caries.

Odontología preventiva 

Es recomendado someterse a revisiones una o dos veces al año, dependiendo del estado de los dientes. Durante la revisión es probable que el dr. Rodriguez tome algunas radiografías y examine cuidadosamente la dentadura para ver si hay caries. Valiéndose de un anestésico local y un torno de alta velocidad, por lo general puede empastar las cavidades que encuentra sin causar dolor al paciente

En nuestro consultorio JOSNAR creemos que nuestros pacientes son lo más importante por eso ponemos especial atención en la esterilización de todo nuestro instrumental dental de igual manera utilizamos productos que son descartados con cada paciente. 
Realizamos Tratamientos de Odontología General  e Implantes Dentales todos ellos con excelentes niveles de calidad